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What Are Twitch Panels? + 30 x Free Panels Download

What are twitch panels and how can I get the most out of them?

For the veteran streamers the info here may seem fairly obvious, but for those new to streaming it will surely answer a very common question we receive! If you are a long time streamer, stick around anyway, you may pick up something new. Simply put - a twitch panel is a graphic on your profile to help inform your viewers from the bio page of your stream. The importance of panels is often overlooked so let’s go a little deeper and see what they are all about!

Information about your stream and yourself.

The perhaps most useful purpose of panels is to provide information about your stream to viewers new and old that arrive at your page. You can include many bits of info about you, about the community on your stream, your set up or pretty much anything you think you would be appropriate.


One example of linking through your stream is links to your social media. Using panels to link from your streaming platform to your social media is a great way to grow your brand as new followers on other platforms can be kept up to date when you go live, when you’re running a new giveaway, changes to your streaming schedule and any other info you post. You can also link to sponsors, friends, your website, Patreon and donation pages.


- A schedule panel, in our opinion is a must. It is arguably the most important panel on the page as it can keep your viewers coming back. We would recommend having this near the top. Simply make a list of all the days and times you stream and post this with the panel. Be sure to keep this up to date with changes to the schedule and any special streams you have coming up. We outline the importance of schedules in our 10 tips for new streamers post.


- Having a chat rules panel is a great way to inform new viewers of what’s appropriate in your chat and what can be expected when they arrive there. If you have an 18+ stream your viewers will receive a notification of this when they arrive. Bolstering this with specific information about what topics are not allowed and what language can and can’t be used is super important. Perhaps you have a stream suitable for younger audiences. Again, using a rules panel can let people know what to expect. It can also help the flow of the stream so you’re not constantly updating your chat with what is and isn’t appropriate.


- We think this one is underused. It can be really encouraging for new viewers of your stream to return after a first watch if they see what games you play regularly on your stream. This information is often included in the “about me” panel and it’s great that the information is displayed on the stream but why not give it its own space? The games you play are a massive part of why people tune in! Update this often as your game choice changes and keep your audience well-informed.

Final thoughts on Panels

- A lot of streamers are guilty of using twitch panels to set up their stream, then leaving them to go stagnant. Monitor your bio section and make sure it’s kept fresh! This doesn’t have to be a new design every week but if you’re changing up your schedule for example, be sure to change the info on the panel accordingly. It’s an absolute must!

Free Panels Download

We supply a whole range of custom graphics and animations to upgrade your stream, but we also have free stuff included here too! Help yourself to some free twitch panels to get started! Just click here!