Arc Reactor Animated stream overlay

Arc Reactor Animated stream overlay


Presenting our latest stream package - Arc Reactor! Modern and dynamic, this stream overlay template is perfectly suited to all major streaming platforms: Twitch, YouTube, Facebook Gaming and is easy to set up In Streamlabs OBS and Stream Elements.

Our new futuristic package is our biggest to date and includes a stinger transition in the pack as well as 2 different sets of stream alerts. One is a box style stream alert and another inspired by an arc reactor kicking out energy to reveal the target name.

All overlays are easy to set up on streamlabs and streamelements and are fully animated for an immersive experience for your viewers!

Package includes everything you need: stinger transition, alerts, webcam overlays, modular recent event alerts, stream screens, Twitch panels and even an intermission or just chatting overlay.

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